The important point in all of the paintings is the juxtaposition of the computer prints and the paint. This is important to me for the reasons summarized here:
I. Demonstration of the strange harmony (or rather discord) of the human mind and body, and the machines that we have created.II. Literal observation of artists using technology in their work (even if its just watching TV or blasting music while they paint), yet noticing very rigid distinctions, both professionally and socially, between artists using technological mediums and those using traditional. I want to bridge this gap.
III. Inspiration that reality is comprised of absolutes (digital) and thresholds (analog).
V. Water-based (wet) electrical logic systems versus solid state (dry) electrical logic systems.
I have always considered that i was trying to advance concepts in impressionism, incorporating computer graphics. I had at one point been questioning myself as to how I could be an Impressionist, not using oil, but using water-based paint. Now the combination of the computer graphics and the water-based goauche is much more meaningful to me than it ever was before, because it not only shows the union and dis-union of computer and paint, but shows the union and dis-union of the underlying electrical systems that produce each. All in all, i feel the name "technoRomantic" better describes my ideas than some concept of modern Impressionism. Playing with visuals and comprehension ultimately are just acts done in the context of the larger love of technology, and the discovery of the human machine.
I feel I have discovered certain things about humans through my work on computers.
The APRIL FLOWERS specifically address the discovery that we see in some resolution,
similar to resolution in computer graphic documents. We do not see molecules,
we see some interpolation. Likewise, the pixelated edges of the flowers disappear
at a far enough distance. The brain interprets detail which, when standing right
next to the painting, isn't there. At intermediate distances, the pixellation
produces a "motion" or an "abstraction" much as the brush strokes do. Placing
a loop on the printout reveals an additional dot pattern consisting of cyan,
magenta, yellow, and black. Placing a microscope on the piece yields an entirely
different world. It should be noted that this phenomena of comprehension is
obviously not limited to still imagery. Sound (and I theorize all senses) and
video operate similarily as they change over time. Compact disks, being digital,
deliver music in discreet moments of sound that actually have a gap between
them. Our brains interpolate through the gaps, so that we hear continuous sound.
Although I consider myself a technoRomantic, APRIL FLOWERS are definitely Neo-Impressionist, with inspiration provided by Monet and Van Gogh. They try to correlate digital sampling and interpolation with analog shorthand and interpretation.
The DOGG paintings are strange little scenes that are the basis for story about
, a dogg that has an idea in his mind, and his friends Pearl and Capricorn. Beyond wanting to entertain and tweek the imagination, the DOGG paintings explore the strange simultaneous harmony and alienation I feel working with technology. I feel alien because I do not get my hands dirty when I use the computer, and the work ultimately exists in a theoretical medium. I access and modify only a representation of that theory, that I see either on a video screen or printout. I additionally feel alien because of the discord between the machines and my body. Long hours on a computer are not conducive to good health.
And yet I feel harmony and empowerment from technology. In general, I can use computers and other equipment and get from them what I want. My mind appreciates the speed and logic of computers, and I can create things on them that could not have existed before. In addition, the experiencing of these creations and the feedback from them allow me to think of things that wouldnąt have ocurred to me. On another level, society has created machines that allow us to do incredible things, to become aware of ourselves and explore the whole of our planet, our phisiology, and, as I believe is just starting now, our spirtituality.
To me, the DOGGS are the most technoRomantic pieces.